Thursday, November 30, 2006

2 years ago...

Today China sent out referrals to families that were logged in up to September 8th 2005. The current wait time, from the time China gets a family's paperwork, until they get to know about their child is 14+ months. I thought our 10 months of waiting was hard...I feel for the families are waiting and the girls left in China.

Back to the dream...who would have thought that 2 years after that dream we would be a family of 7. Amazing, truly amazing..... What is still more amazing is the night before my dream a mother left our Mia-Faith on the steps of the Chinese Zhangzhou orphanage wearing only a little yellow terry-cloth shirt. I praise God that we took the leap of faith and went with what we thought God wanted us to do......bring our daughter home from China.


Unknown said...

very touching post!

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. The Universe "God" can do amazing things. I truly believe there are no coincidences. Mia-Faith was meant to be yours. I was just talking w/ my DH over dinner and we are both feeling scared about adding a 7th (not that we would stop it but just feeling scared, like is it to much?. Then I go and read your post. It was obviously no coincidence I did. huh? I guess your message about your dream and Mia-Faith in your life was also a message to me. Thanks for sharing. I needed to hear your message today.

Alyson and Ford said...

Yes, we are on that very long wait. We jumped in the China adoption process when all were saying 6 - 8 months from LID; now it looks like we may see our referral by May - June 2007. A full 17 months! What a long wait! Of course, since we are so "old" and everything seems to take us longer to do..... maybe this is a good thing. :)
Either way, if and when it is meant to be, it will happen.
