Monday, November 13, 2006

What a difference !!

What a difference 4 months makes. Mia-Faith has been home 4 months. She has adjusted so well. We had snow here and Mia had her first snow experience. She walked around stomping her feet and eating the snow. The kids helped her sled down our hill. She had a good time. The older kids had a blast. The way they carried on you would have thought that we had 2-3 feet of snow-not the 2-3 inches we got.


Jenn said...

Can't believe it has been 4 months! Why does it seem like time is creeping by over here and flying by over there??? ;o) Cute picture-looks like Mia-Faith knows for certain that she is home...

Karen said...

children are amazing aren't they!?! I love the picture! I'm so jealous that you have snow! We rarely see any white stuff.

Anonymous said...

Our first snow was fun here in Central WI too. She is so beautiful and looks like she enjoyed the day outside. Burrr..

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much they change in such a short amount of time? And how did time creep by for all those months we waited and waited, and now, it flies by. We envy the snow, my kids keep waiting, but we had sunny skies and 80 degrees last week. Good old midwestern weather! Mia is beautiful!

Dawn and Dale said...

She'd fit right in up here in the chilly cold North!

We're buried in snow now!!

Anonymous said...

We miss the snow too. Whether two inches or two feet. Beautiful!