Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006 !!

What a great Christmas. It started the 23rd of December. We went to Sam's house and celebrated with the Waala family. It was also a celebration for Todd Waala's 50th birthday. It was a nice time. December 24th was my family's celebration. Another great meal - the kids had a blast opening gifts. We did make them all get-together and sing a song prior to gift opening.

Yesterday we spend the day at home. The kids woke early and waited patiently until 8am when I got up. The little kids were so excited. Keaton was thrilled that Santa drank his milk and ate a big bite out of the cookie he left. We then stared our first official Waala Christmas with Mia-Faith. She loved opening the presents. She was fascinated by all the toys. It was a wonderful 3 days.

We capped it off the holiday by going to see the Nativity Story last night at 9:15pm with the kids. (Mia-Faith stayed home. She is a gal of routines. Grandpa sat at the house while she slept.)

Last night we went around and asked the kids what things they were most thankful for....it was great to hear them answer that they were most thankful for Mia-Faith...the toys did come in next.


Deb said...

Beautiful Picture! We went to see the "Nativity Story" too and really enjoyed it alot. Happy Holidays
Everyone looks so happy to have Mia Faith.

OziMum said...

I've seen your name/blog pop up on a few other sites I read, so had to check out your beautiful girl!

We are LID 22 Feb 2006... so we are a long ways off yet, I imagine!

Great Christmas post... did you realise your heading was Christmas 2007?!!!

Mom 2 six said...

Thanks Le-anne !!
2007...way ahead of myself !

Karen said...

How sweet! Love the Christmas picture! Happy New Year to your family!