Monday, December 18, 2006

New look and huge THANKS !!

The Waala family blog has a new look. I give every ounce of credit to Sara Lane. She is a fellow adoption mom who graciously volunteered to help me out. I wouldn't have a clue how to do what she has done. Sara was the first person to link to us when we started our blog. Her site has always been one of our favorites.



SARA said...

You're welcome!!!! How could I not help out another mommy of a beautiful Mia?!?!?
Love your blog!!!!!

Jenn said...

Love the new look!...I'm a sucker for laying down head-shot kid photos. So cute! Great job Sara!

Karen said...

Looks great!

Ohilda said...

I love the blog!!! And I am so jealous. Been trying to figure out how to change the header and still can't! UGH! Your kids are absolutely adorable.