I have a little time to give an update. UNO has become the game of choice here at the Waala home. It's been a great way for Keaton to work on colors and numbers. Mia loves to carry the cards around and act like she is playing.
Today Mia has a follow-up evaluation for speech and language. She does well making noise during the speech therapy but I am still concerned about things. She will attempt to repeat a sound sometimes-definitely not consistently. It's almost like if she has to think about it she will not do it. If she gets wrapped up in play things come easier... therefore we do a lot of playing...
We have also backed off and make her make a sound to get her needs met. That is challenging when she had 4 siblings who want to meet her needs. It just gets concerning when all the other girls out there seem to have become sponges and are talking pretty well....when is the talking light bulb going to turn on ?
She is so cute :). Uno - yeah, we used to play that when our son was little. We used to have fun with it.
Blessings to your Thursday evening and always.
How old is Mia? As a preschool teacher, I have met many kids who didn't start talking until they were 3. Now they won't stop (lol). I bet that day will come when she just goes to town.
She's such a doll!
Just found your blog today... your children are beautiful! I'm going to go and browse some older posts...
We did a mission trip to Guatemala and bought a game of UNO before we came home. Guess what UNO is called in Guatemala ..... go ahead ..... give it a try ..... ONE ..... no kidding! Says so right on the box.
I enjoy your blog - I'll be stopping by often.
Hi there
As mothers we do get concerned about our little one's milestones. I think you need to take a few big breaths, a couple of steps back and let her speaking come in due time! She is still very young! I do understand how you must be feeling.... we're mothers for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!
Love to you and your beautiful family.
She is such a cutie.
I understand... One of our little ones was very delayed speaking...mostly made sounds/noises and hand gestures. At the age of 7, she talks constantly non stop :-) She is not as clear sounding as some of her younger siblings, but she has come a long way. She has issues with not ending her words and talking too fast. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with her speech, but she is an extremely visual learner. Some children just take longer. Sounds like she has a wonderful loving mama!
nzI love playing UNO! I can't wait to play it with our son. I use UNO all the time with my English as a Second Language students. It's great in helping them to learn colors, numbers, and understand instructions. Fun game!!
I pick Blue and draw 4!!!
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