Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Soccer and Shoes !

Tonight was Keaton's first Soccer game. He did great ! The coach also said he was the best player out there. (Of course Dad is the coach.) It was fun and Keaton was really proud of himself. He is going to sleep good tonight.

Mia-Faith has 4 new pairs of squeaky shoes ! I regretted not buying more shoes while I was in China. A friend's husband travels, but wasn't able to get me any on his last trip. Then one day when we ordered Chinese food at work-we started to talk about the family that owns the restaurant because they were closing it to travel to China for a few weeks. I asked them if they had a moment and saw squeaky shoes could they purchase shoes for Mia-Faith. Well SURPRISE I got 4 adorable pairs in 2 different sizes.

For those of you who are local and follow this blog go to Chens. The food is great and they are the the sweetest folks to boot !

Thanks Simon !!


Chelley said...

Wow such a big boy playing soccer!!! Great pics!!!! You take lovely photos!

And a Gal can never have too many shoes!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the soccer pictures - what a cutie bug !!
How cool with the shoes - I can't wait, I can't wait !! ( I want to pick up more than one size too, when we're in China)

Dawn and Dale said...

What a great coach your son has!! ;)

How sweet of them to get you some shoes for Mia!! After reading your post I'll be sure to pick up more than just a pair or two while I'm there!! Thanks!!

Fifi said...

I understand him being biased!!!!! teehee!
What lovely photos..... your kids always look so full of joy... I love it!
Now onto those squeeky shoes.... Tanna-Jayde had a pair of those, and they drove me dilly! I eventually removed the squeeky thingeemajiggee!!!And peace returned to the house and my head!

Valeri said...

I can't wait to buy shoes like those. I hope I can find some cute ones!

Mommy Spice said...

Spicy Girl has been playing soccer for the first time. She's definately not the best player, but she has fun chasing the ball.

Enjoy those squeaky shoes. I do plan on buying a lot more next time we go.

t~ said...

Cute soccer pictures! Our sports are all over for now, it's just get to hot to play outdoor sports.

Love the squeaky shoes! She's a girl after my own heart with 4 new pair of shoes!