Happy Birthday Keaton!! Love all the pictures. Keaton's smile is always one of pure joy! Zoo pics...adorable! Glad the tic was negative! I would have sent it away too, just for peace of mind. Shelly, love the pic where it looks like you're about to give Keaton a kiss....precious! The one of Mia's sweet little face (at the zoo) is to die for....
Happy Birthday Keaton!!!...I guess it's belated now, huh? Hope you had a great day! Great pics! That tick has really creeped me out. I've been checking my own kids out after hiking,etc and I don't think we even have those here in AZ! (If we do, don't tell me) Jenn
This Blog is the chronicle of our family's journey through the process of adopting Mia-Faith XinHe and Elijah Russell AiSheng, and any other Waala family news.
We brought our Mia home July, 2006 from Fuzhou, China. She was 21 months old at Gotcha day. Eli joined our family at 6 years old in March 2009 from Wuhan, China. We are now complete- Our family has been blessed beyond measure !!
Happy Birthday Keaton!!!
Hope you have a great day!!
Happy Bday Keaton! What a great smile on this kid!
Happy Bithday to you
Happy Bithday to you
Happy Birthday Dearest Keaton!!!
Happy Bithday to you
wishing you all the best on your big 5th birday!
Happy birthday!!
Wow 9lbs 1 oz!! What a big boy!!
Happy Birthday Keaton.....what a darling little guy! ;)
Happy Birthday Keaton!! Love all the pictures. Keaton's smile is always one of pure joy! Zoo pics...adorable! Glad the tic was negative! I would have sent it away too, just for peace of mind. Shelly, love the pic where it looks like you're about to give Keaton a kiss....precious! The one of Mia's sweet little face (at the zoo) is to die for....
We hope Keaton had a great Birthday! Thanks again Shelly for giving us Keaton's clothes for our next little one. It was so thoughtful of you!
Happy Birthday Keaton!!!...I guess it's belated now, huh? Hope you had a great day! Great pics! That tick has really creeped me out. I've been checking my own kids out after hiking,etc and I don't think we even have those here in AZ! (If we do, don't tell me) Jenn
Happy Birthday Keaton!! Wow, 5 years old! That's a big boy.
Keaton is a cutie! Happy Birthday big guy!
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