Tuesday, March 21, 2006


After a pleasant night sleep-which is rare- I awoke only to pull up e-mails and see a very ugly e-mail (rumor) from Spain stating that referrals may only go through May 30th! If that is the case I will have to turn off the computer, take a long bath and have a hard cry. The wait has become agonizing. It is just so difficult not knowing. When you are pregnant you have a date (give or take a few weeks) ......When we started the process referrals were anticipated it to take 6-7 months. We are now closing in on 10 months since our LID and that doesn't include the 5 months it took to get our paperwork completed.
I do know the minute we see her the entire wait will be forgot, but that doesn't make this day -to- day wait any easier.
I hope Spain is completely WRONG!

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