Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Completely depressed.....

I spent the entire day at a meeting for work. It was a good distraction. I came home only to find more rumors. It is a emotional roller coaster that I can't seem to avoid and pull myself away from. Today there are people saying the cut off date has be confirmed as May 31st. CCAA has not changed it's web-site and I am holding out that it is not true. I just have a sinking feeling we are going to miss it again. Last month it was by 9 days and now probably 3 days that we missed it.....
Well- I am not going to spend every day until referral wallowing in sadness for the kids here still need a happy mom-I just can't wait for the day I can post Myah/Maggie's picture here with a huge smiley face.

1 comment:

Jill W said...

Shelly, I pray everyday that you will get a picture of your sweet girl. As soon as you see her beautiful face all of these "labor pains" will be forgotten.
Love, Jill